Jumaat, 26 November 2010


Hooray!!Berakhirnya mesyurat di Langkawi
Tak sabar rasanya nak balik
dan peluk cium
amin & bismi kuat-kuat



Khamis, 18 November 2010

Firenzzi Garment Steamer (CVS)

Antara benda yang aku teringin nak beli sebab
menyenangkan kerja aku di rumah.
Currently guna iron yang takda wayar berjela-jela...so senang nak iron baju.
Tak yah tarik-tarik wayar. Just tunggu iron tuh panas jer,
ko dah boleh iron baju dengan senang hati.

Tapi bila dapat tau ada lebih canggih dr iron aku skang,
mula lah perasaan membuak-buak nak beli..
Nafsu..nafsu...I really need this one!
Senang nak iron baju kemeja dan seluar slack papa
Tak yah susah-susah nak buat side
Tenyeh jer baju and seluar tuh sampai licin

Meh sini nak share skit pasal Firenzzi Steamer nih..

It's Time to relax.......
With the advance of new technology and innovation, your household appliances should assist you to do more with shorter time. At FIRENZZI, we understand the importance of efficiency and durability that is why each our products are designed for specific uses to help you ease out those cumbersome household chores with efficiency.

With FIRENZZI, you can now feel more relax, by looking forward to hassle-free ironing experiences for sure, that will improve your quality of life for you and your family.

When it comes to ironing for fabrics and delicates materials, I feel more relax to iron out without worry about my garments caught with burnt marks like most traditional steam irons used to happen again and again!

The FIRENZZI Garment Steamer is a complete solution to all your ironing needs. With high power bursts of steam, the FIRENZZI Garment Steamer will help you ironing out those hard areas to reach with the cool touch handle coming with full complete accessories together!

FIRENZZI Garment Steamers are designed for ironing all types of fabrics to delicate silk. It protects and safe guard your garments from burnt marks and does not fade your colours. The high power steamer functions help you to iron your clothes without removing it from its hanger or the trouble of setting up your ironing board. Beside, our modern designs even come with easy-roll castors that help you move easily and store your FIRENZZI Garment Steamer anywhere you want!

FIRENZZI Garment Steamers are user friendly. Just fill up the water tank and the power button to ON and a continuous flow of steam will be generated in less than 45 seconds. When the water level is low or water is shortage, refill the water bottle with fresh tap water.

Empty any excess water in the base and bottle when the steamer is not in use. This will prevent the growth of unwanted minerals in the water bottle to build-up in the base of the steamer. FIRENZZI Garment Steamers are suitable to use for garments, curtains, fabric materials, bed sheet and even toys too!

Grasp the techniques of steaming with our guidelines below and you will understand why it is so easy to ironing out with a FIRENZZI Garment Steamer! Please read the instruction manual carefully and follow the step to iron out with the complete accessories provided to suit the following areas with the feeling of relax and hassle-free!

That's what Firenzzi Garment steamer promised!

From laundry shop, boutique owners, hotels and as well as home mother's care, everyone now can enjoy the convenience and ease of ironing out with a FIRENZZI Garment Steamer.

Designed to elevate the ironing experience, FIRENZZI Garment Steamers will let you SAY GOODBYE TO OLD TRADITIONAL IRONS and enjoy a hassle free of handling the ironing experiences today!

Haa..betul tak aku cakap menarik
Tak yah risau lagi pasal baju terbakar ke baju tak licin
Papa...mama nak nih!
huhuhuhuh...botak laki aku..

MC Pressure!

Hari nih aku amik MC. Memang betul semalam aku ingat nak sesaja MC tanpa sakit tapi dengan kuasa Tuhan, aku bebetul sakit hari nih.. Aisehmen, kena plak selsema yang agak teruk dengan mata aku merah sebelah..Isk..sungguh tak selesa. Ditambah plak dengan migrain sebelah kanan kepala. Lagi pressure!

Tambah lagi pressure..........................

dengan doktor yang 'check' aku tadi...

Doktor: Awk sakit apa?

Aku: Saya kena selsema. Maybe jugak sebab resdung

Doktor: Okies.Nanti saya bagi ubat...

Time tuh, aku cam terpinga-pinga gak la. Dah la tak check apa2. Tanya sakit apa lepas tuh terus bagi ubat. Isk..isk..isk...punyela senang doktor nih. Keje simple jerk tapi dapat duit riban-riban every month...Kalo tak kerana aku nak resit MC tuh, dah lama aku pergi farmasi jerk beli ubat.

Rabu, 17 November 2010

Selamat Hari Raya Aidil Adha

Selamat Hari Raya Aidil Adha
Andai ada kesalahan aku dan keluarga
mohon maaf zahir dan batin

raya tahun nih dapatlah
korban seekor lembu untuk anak-anak
Semoga Allah murahkan lagi rezeki
aku dan keluarga

Sabtu, 13 November 2010


To Adik a.k.a Arina a.k.a baby sitter amin

Congratulation dear
for your excellent 5A's UPSR result
Hebat anak buah aku nih..
Keep it up!

hadiahnya ialah........

Thanks to ibu and kak yus
kerana berjaya memujuk adik memilih
canon 550d dari nikon d90..

and abang yen
sebagai advisor camera

dan yang paling penting
dan yang paling utama
kerana sponsor hadiah nih

Vietnam Soon!!

Baru jer hari tuh, aku and bos aku berborak pasal Philippine and Vietnam. Saja jerk la tanya dia coz bos aku nih consider banyak lah travel atas urusan kerja-kerja dia. Syok kan kalo dapat kerja sambil travelling tempat orang. Bak kata orang 'jauh perjalanan, luas pemandangan'. Ntah bila lah boleh dapat kerja cam tuh? Syarikat agensi pelancongan? May be kan.....:P

For my bos, antara Philippine and Vietnam ada baiknya ko pergi Vietnam in term of SHOPPING la. Barang kat sana sangat murah but one thing yg tak berapa best, korang akan senang kena tipu kat sana especially pasal teksi dan juga pertukaran wang. Kalo boleh, time nak shopping tuh, korang kena bagi duit 'ngam-ngam'. Kalo korang bagi duit besar, alamatnya musti ada yang tak cukup atau dia tak bagi pun duit balik.Isk..isk..isk...nih lagi horror dari Indonesia. But kalo in term of 'night life', Philippine is the best especially the entertainment part cam music and culture. Mengikut citer my bos, there is one place near the beach where you can see and hear variety of music. Contohnya, ada 1 part kecil yang mainkan lagu rap, ada small part lagi yang main balade dan macam-macam la. Bagi peminat music, tempat nih cam heaven utk ko cari ilham music. Cam menarik kan?

Then time balik kerja, aku dengan 'excited' nya story kat Papa pasal Vietnam and Philippine. Ada gak citer tuh aku tokok tambah. Nak jadikan citer bertambah menariklah kan??Hahaha...nakal tak?

Tetibe yesterday....TADAAAAAAAA!!!!!Papa kata dah book tiket ke Vietnam untuk next year vacation!!HOOORAY!!Thanks Papa!!Nanti Mama belanja hotel plak kat sana...

So pada korang yang dah penah pergi Vietnam, which hotel should i book ek?Cadangkan la tempat-tempat menarik yang aku boleh pergi sekali...;)

p/s: Ada my friend yang cadangkan Rex Hotel? Okies tak?

Patiently waiting for you respond. Thanks kengkawan

Isnin, 8 November 2010

Sanctuary Resort, Cherating

Waduh, baru jer habis bengkel sessi malam utk day 1. Penat tok sah cakap la. Penat dalam kereta tak habis lagi. Dah kena dengar info bengkel. But still, walau penat..dapat gak maklumat berguna mengenai sistem yang aku tak tahu hujung pangkal sebelum nih. Kind of 'wow' jugak la coz banyak rupanya 'kerenah' yang perlu dibuat utk membuat sesuatu sistem tuh. Sebelum nih, aku hanya belajar basic jerk kat U. Nasib diri ini tak memilih profession 'programmer'. Kalo tak, mau botak jugak kepala nih. Hehehe...But as a whole, this 1st bengkel was just a 'warming up' session. Yang 'PANAS' mungkin di hari esok.

Actually nak cerita pasal tempat yang aku kursus nih which is locate at Sanctuary Resort, Cherating. Tadi tuh introduction jerk, ble? Tempat dia not bad at all. Even dia hanya apartment 3 start or 4 start (tak berapa pasti tang tuh), but the facilities is OK and most of all the food was delicious especially bubur kacang I had just now for supper. Super sedap sampai tambah 2 kali. Nak tambah kali ke-3, malu plak ngan orang lain.Hahaha...Yeah!For me, janji makan sedap dah senang hati.

I got to stayed with my 2 kids, 2 anak buah, mother in law and a brother in 3 bedroom and 3 bathroom apartment. Sungguh selesa. Puas hati dari tidur kat hotel yg 5 start hotel. Plus yang special ada dapur yang kitorang boleh masak. Penting tuh coz esok planning nak beli ikan fresh kat kg nelayan..Perut nih dah kebulur nak makan makanan fresh plak. Asyik hadap makanan yang dah usia 1-2 weeks, perut pun jadi muak. So tomorrow our main mission is to buy super fresh fish yang akan dicari oleh my mother in law and brother. Sadly I cant join them coz tomorrow morning dah kena hadir bengkel lagi. Tapi takpa, mak will save some for me. Itu sudah musti!! Oh lupa nak inform, aircorn dalam apartment nih sungguh sejuk yang membuat aku 'thumb up'. Wah..so cozy!Bila masuk jerk apartment, mata nih pun mula la nak layu. Tuh la yang dinamakan work+holiday. Sesambil bekerja dapat gak merasa holiday dengan family. Best2!Thanks to my bos yang send me to this bengkel and allow me to bring my family along...;) TQ Bos (bukan bodek yak, HONEST).

The sale person who recommend me this hotel which is Kak Ita sangat-sangat helpful and very nice person. Boleh give and take. Either my part or her part, janji dedua parties happy even memula tuh ada certain yang dirancang tak menjadi. Thanks Kak Ita!You're such nice person indeed. Semoga murah lagi rezeki akak. Lupa plak 1 perkara, this resort have FREE WIRELESS. Tak ada charge. Sangat la suka pada aku yang tak ada broadband nih.

Jadi to all, I recommend this resort to you if you're planning to have a happy and sempoi holiday in Cherating. Im not demanding person but if you can get better than a hotel, why not you give it a try staying in this resort. Thumb up to the FOOD..Makan jerk keje aku nih..Isk isk isk

Ahad, 7 November 2010

Becok betul!

Bismi dah mula nak bercakap..
becok tul mulut die...
petuanya: kena selalu bercakap dengan anak
sejak dari dalam perut lagi..
baby die paham dan dengar apa yang kita kata
jadi sentiasa communicate dengan dia
dan dia akan cepat respond pada kita

Macho and Sweet

my sweet Mamy

my macho Abah

Tadi abah & mamy called dari Kota Mekah..
Jadi sangat excited and happy dapat dengar suara diorang
Sebelum-sebelum nih kami ber message jer..
Lepas tanya2 khabar and how's their umrah/haji and letak phone
Tetiba air mata berderai...
YES!I terribly miss Abah & Mamy
and at this moment
I realize how I love and miss them so much
mengalahkan sayang kat hubby sendiri, ble?huhu
Semoga Abah & Mamy mendapat haji mabrur..
Adik doakan agar abah & mamy
selamat pergi dan selamat kembali ke tanahair..
Insya Allah

us with Abah